Add Listing & Create a Profile!

  • First Click ” Add Listing” at the top of our home page!
  • Next sign into your account or create a profile.
  • Make sure to add a picture of yourself, this will help provide authentication and boost your potential buyers.
  • Set yourself apart by adding a brief description.

Tip: Add a green check mark to your profile and provide your potential buyers with ease of mind and security by becoming verified. Click here to apply for your free verification!

  • Next, create a password to protect your account with

Create a Listing

Its Time! Create a detailed listing for your barn!

  • Details, Details, Details. Write a compelling description of your barn! Make sure to include everything you can think of about the barn. The more you include, the more likely a seller will be intrigued to by your Barn. Please make sure to provide accurate information about the barn you’re selling. Include details such as dimensions, materials, the current condition, and any unique features.
  • The safety of our users is our highest priority. Because of this, we discourage including phone numbers in the description of your listing. Our messaging feature is a much safer alternative and allows you to share your phone number privately, once you’ve established trust with your potential buyer. This will help to avoid unwanted phone calls, scams and more. Buy and sell safely!
  • Be honest about the current condition of the structures. Honesty goes along way prior to showing interested buyers and selling your barn.
  • High-quality photos of your barn are essential! Showcase different angles, both inside and outside. Don’t forget a picture is worth 1,000 words!

Negotiate and close the deal!

  • Be open to negotiations but stick to your desired price range.
  • We recommend once you’ve agreed on terms, finalize all sales with written agreements and any necessary paperwork
  • Make sure to follow your local and state guidelines.
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